Project: BookFace

BookFace replaces a paper-based system or manual tracking of books and patrons, providing greater speed/efficiency to librarians. The user interacts with it using a CLI, and it has a GUI created with JavaFX. It is written in Java, and has about 12.6 kLoC.

Given below are my contributions to the project.

  • New Feature: Added the ability to extend commands more easily and handle parsing better (including subcommand handling) #97
    • What it does: Improves command parsing by creating more separate parsing of commands and arguments.
    • Justification: The parsing of commands was through a three-step process - processing the first command word, then the arguments, and constructing the Command instance. The distinction between commands and arguments was not clear. There was a lot of code duplication in the parsers as well, which was handled by using enums to associate each parse function with each possible command from the user and by making CommandParser abstract with a shared parse function.
    • Highlights: The command structure is recursive, allowing for easy extensibility with the idea of a subcommand contained within the user’s inputted command.
    • Credits: The idea of using enums was taken from the iP project, where the students were encouraged to use enums. The idea of forcing all subclasses to use the parse method implemented in the abstract class was inspired by an answer on StackOverflow (see Acknowledgements).
  • New Feature: Added find book feature. #118
    • Added helper util methods to improve search for keywords, ignoring case.
  • New Feature: Added edit book feature. #154

  • New Feature: Added return feature. #119

  • Enhancements to existing features:
    • Converted add user, list user, and delete user to the new parsing mechanism. #97
    • Converted find user to the new parsing mechanism. #118
    • Converted edit user to the new parsing mechanism. #154
      • Highlights: As an edited book can be currently on loan, edits to either Person or Book had to be reflected in the other
    • Improved loan and return commands’ logic #119
      • What it does: Improved Book fields and methods, and enhances serialisation Persons with loaned Books to the JSON format
    • Improved error messages by generating them using information from the command itself #156
      • Justification: The error messages were written by hand, leading to incorrect error messages if the logic for the command was updated. The error message generation also tied in with the subcommand handling, with error messages for subcommands nested within the main command.
    • Updated clear all command, updated the help window with a copy button, fixed help window display issue (#156)
    • Improvements to code quality made
      • such as using Optional and assert #165
      • or by reducing code duplication using generics #118
    • Fix bugs with data file parsing and deserialisation #227
    • Wrote tests for the whole of and for other files #234
  • Code contributed: RepoSense link

  • Project management:
    • Created the team repo, set up CodeCov, add user stories as issues.
    • Helped review and merge PRs on a timely basis (even after they have been merged, for example #160)
    • Proposed design suggestions in PR reviews
    • Created v1.2, v1.3, v1.4 milestones and the project board
  • Documentation:
    • User Guide:
      • Added documentation for the features add user, delete user, delete book, edit book, and edit user #64, [#166](
      • Made other edits such as to the ‘Notes on the Command Format’
    • Developer Guide:
      • Added the Non-Functional requirements #85
      • Did cosmetic tweaks for the Glossary table #92
      • Added an explanation on the design of command parsing, the implementation details of the delete feature, and an Acknowledgements table #143
      • Updated the class diagrams #225
  • Community:
    • PRs reviewed (with non-trivial review comments): #94, #115, #152, #159, #164, #123
    • Contributed to forum discussions (examples: 1, 2, 3, 4)
    • Reported bugs and suggestions for other teams in the class (examples: 1, 2, 3, 4)